Why is that so many guys LOVE beautiful Asian women? It seems like every year, more Western guys are dating and marrying women from countries like China, Japan and the Philippines. (And I can't blame them...personally, I think Asian girls are the sexiest women in the world!)
It's not only their exotic looks we are drawn to. There are a number of important reasons why men find beautiful Asian women so appealing. Some of these reasons, we're not even aware of on a conscious level!
Here are some of the big ones:
#1 Beautiful Asian women have strong sexual appeal.
The silky hair; flawless skin; petite, hard bodies; and exotic Oriental features add up to combination that a lot of men find irresistible. Anatomically, the Asian face (particularly the women with more "Oriental" features) is constructed so that it seems to convey less expression and emotion than the faces of Caucasian people. The construct of their faces makes Asian women more "difficult to read" than Caucasian women, who tend to express and share their feelings constantly (whether we're in the mood to know about their feelings, or not!).
This gives Asian women an air of mystery and unpredictability, which is deeply attractive to men -- because we're hard-wired to thrive on challenges and the thrill of the hunt.
#2 They are approachable.
In my experience, there is no question that even beautiful Asian women are more approachable than Western women. First of all, they smile more. It's part of their culture. Thailand is literally called "The Land Of Smiles" because people smile all the time. (This can be confusing, since the "Thai smile" can mean a lot of different things -- and I explain it in my "Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book. But hey, it beats being around a bunch of frowning, frumpy Western women!)
Try walking around a shopping mall in Bangkok, Jakarta or Manila...your mind will be blown by how many pretty young women are simply willing to smile at you when you make eye contact. Contrast this with the hot women in America. They will frown most of the time in order to assert that they are "too cool" to be bothered with meeting anyone new.
Asian women are willing to talk to you. At that point, the key is knowing how to build their interest and attraction. This program will show you how to do that.
#3 They are excellent homemakers and take pride in managing the household.
Visit a home run by an Asian Women, and you'll find that it is always organized and clean. The meals are prepared with care, the husband always wears clean clothes, and the children are well-fed and neatly dressed. Unless your Asian sweetheart is from a rich family that employed servants, she was helping out with household duties starting at a young age. Even the poorest families keep their living space as clean as possible. In Asia, women will always make sure that your home is clean, and they will take pride in cooking your meals and keeping you well-fed.
#4 They have a rich sense of culture and heritage.
Many Westerners are fascinated by the colorful, exotic, mysterious cultures of Asia, which are steeped in history. In recent times, Asia has gotten a reputation as being rather "trendy" among Westerners. This is particularly true with Japan, which Westerners have begun to recognize as a Mecca for fashion. (Japanese girls are years ahead of Western girls, with their super-cool, futuristic styles of dress.)
Why else would so many Caucasians, both men and women, put tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters on their bodies-without ever even having visited those countries? Personally, I think it's pathetic. ("Check out the Japanese character I got tattooed on my shoulder-doesn't it make me look edgy and spiritual? I got it at a tattoo shop in New Jersey.")
By dating an Asian woman, you'll have the opportunity to learn more her fascinating culture-including its beliefs, traditions, music, cuisine, movies, arts, and history. This isn't the case when you date a woman who grew up in the town next to yours. Being able to constantly learn new things about her culture, while sharing yours with her, can be a big advantage in a relationship. There is less chance of the two of you growing bored with each other. When you date an Asian woman and have genuine appreciation for her culture and background, there are new things for you to explore every day.
#5 Asian women place a high value on relationships and have unconditional love for their family.
Another attractive aspect of Asian women is that unlike most of their counterparts in Western countries, they put tremendous value on their families and relationships. Choose the right partner, and she'll be highly loyal to you and will avoid doing anything that will damage the relationship. This tends to bring out the best in you as a man.
Did you know that the Philippines is one of only two countries in the world where there is no divorce? It does not exist. Filipinas are raised to believe that when they marry, it is for life. Even in other, more developed Asian countries (where there is divorce), it is considered a shameful last resort-unlike in Western countries, where the attitude isn't until "'til death us part." It's more like, "Let's give it a try, and if it's not working out six months from now, I'll take your house and half your money, you jackass."
Again, I must remind you that I am speaking in general terms here. Are all Asian women passionately loyal and committed to their relationships? Of course not. There are plenty of warped women and gold diggers out there; you've got to keep your wits about you and know to avoid them. This book will explain it all.
#6 We believe the attraction is mutual. A big reason why a lot of guys "hone in" on Asian women is that they've been told that Asian women are as attracted to foreigners as we are to them. This idea of a "mutual fascination" is appealing to guys who are fed up with Western women making them jump through hoops in order to sleep with them. And if you are reasonably attractive and have white skin, it is true that many Asian women will desire to have a light-skinned child with you.
#7 They are spiritually grounded.
Many Asian women observe a religion and take it seriously. Whether she worships God, Buddha or whomever, religion tends to give Asian women a sense of calmness and inner peace that many Western women lack. Asian women don't need to do constant "soul searching" and fret about what is lacking in their lives. For the Asian woman, a loving partner, a happy, healthy household, and the love of her family and God is enough. (Isn't that how it should be?)
#8 They have a hardworking nature.
Asian women from poorer families typically start helping out their families from a very young age, waking up early to help out with house-hold chores. This is a dramatic difference from the way children are typically raised in Western countries. Also, they believe in working hard in order to provide a better future for their families.
This is evident in immigrant communities throughout the Western world; they'll work 24 hours a day if it means being able to send money home and enabling family members to migrate there and join them. These people respect the value of hard work-and a woman from this type of background is not going to turn into a spoiled "princess" once you marry her.
#9 Asian women can genuinely love an older man.
In America, once a guy begins to feel "old" he believes that his dating options are limited to women his own age. I'm not just talking about guys who have reached retirement age. Even guys who are in their 30s start to think that women in their 20s are "out of their range!"
In Asia, it's perfectly normal for older guys to be with younger women (and not just the girls who can be "rented" for the night). A 40-year-old Westerner is often considered young by the local ladies. In fact, if you're under the age of 40, some Asian women will rule you out because they feel you're not yet mature and responsible enough for a serious relationship!
#10 Asian women make a man feel like a MAN.
This is the biggest reason why so many men feel compelled to be with beautiful Asian women. The pure femininity of Asian women encourages the man to play the masculine role in the relationship, and she loves him for it.
In short, Western women make us feel small; Beautiful Asian woman make us feel big. Does this mean that we are insecure and need to have our egos stroked? No. It means that Asian women allow us to feel like the masculine beings we were born to be. They love us for our masculinity, instead of making us suppress it.
As I said before, our genetic programming plays a big role in our attraction to Asian women. As men, we are attracted to women who embody femininity. We want to be their protectors, and we naturally mesh with Asian women because they desire a man who is strong, secure and able to provide for them and protect them.
I like "being the man." Don't you? Asian women like it too, and that's one reason why we're so compatible with them.
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